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Treating Smile Lines with Botox


Do you have noticeable smile lines that make you feel uncomfortable when having a face-to-face conversation with someone else? Smile lines are difficult to prevent, but they can be easily treated with Botox injections.

Smile lines form when the muscles around the mouth become strained and stiff from repeated use over the years. Botox is capable of temporarily paralyzing these strained facial muscles, which allows them to relax. This will effectively reduce the appearance of smile lines and restore the smooth and youthful appearance of your face.

At Physician Skin Solutions at Arrowhead, we can provide you with excellent care and results from your Botox injections.

Consultations Available Now

Physician Skin Solutions at Arrowhead

Take the first step. Get your questions answered by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff at Physician Skin Solutions for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.


*Individual Results May Vary


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