Sagging skin and wrinkles are often considered signs of aging, but this does not mean that you have to sit back and accept such problems. Today’s technology in the medical arena is sufficient to reduce or eliminate issues with loose skin. Modern laser skin tightening solutions typically focus on eradicating fine lines, wrinkles, sunspots, old scars, and enlarged pores, to name a few common ailments. If your goal is to target and repair sagging skin in addition to wrinkles, you should consider the benefits of a laser skin tightening treatment. Our Glendale doctors offer a few common solutions to aging skin that sags.
Laser skin tightening treatment procedures vary, but there are a few in particular that are trusted. One is called Titan Collagen Acceleration, which is a nonsurgical procedure that employs infrared light to heat the layers of skin beneath the epidermis. This causes the collagen in the treated area to contract, producing a tighter look. You will feel a warm sensation during the treatment, but your outer layers of skin will be kept cool during this skin tightening treatment so that you do not need to worry about possible burns. The process typically takes no more than an hour, and there is little discomfort or anesthesia involved. If you are interested in this type of laser skin tightening treatment, Glendale based Physician Skin Solutions at Arrowhead can set up an appointment for you.
There are other laser skin tightening treatments that require little discomfort, as well. ReFirme is also offered, and has benefits that are similar to Titan’s, such as no recovery period and little discomfort. The technology combines infrared light with bipolar radiofrequency, resulting in the collagen being stimulated to grow new cells. Physician Skin Solutions is known for providing patients smoother skin that has few fine lines or sagging areas. It is typically used to treat facial sagging, such as jowls, neck, nasolabial folds, brow lines, and under the eyes. However, it can also treat sagging under the arms, at the knees, and on the abdomen. If you want dramatic results without feeling like you need weeks to recover from the treatment, consider skin tightening treatment. Our Glendale area clinic offers ReFirme and other options to provide you with smooth, tight skin immediately.
Many patients suffering from wrinkles also wish to repair sagging skin, but most procedures that eradicate wrinkles and fine lines do not treat skin laxity. Finally, you can eliminate both at one time when you consider laser skin tightening treatment.