Following are some common questions we get from our guys about Botox.
#1 Cost
Everyone always wants to know what Botox costs, there are a couple of things to consider when comparing costs. First, there is the price of the product – you always want to ensure you are buying authentic Allergan Botox Cosmetic. Second, you are paying for the experience, talent and training of the medical professional injecting you (remember your concern about looking like one of the Real Housewives!). You can always check our specials to see the latest pricing on Botox and when we run specials you can prepay for when you need your next treatment!
#2 What Should I Expect?
Consultation & Assessment
Discuss any concerns you have and ask the doctor or nurse questions. We will do a facial analysis to figure out the best treatment plan for you.
If appropriate, the doctor or nurse will inject you with Botox. The actual treatment takes about 10 minutes—get in, get out, get on with your day.
Check out and schedule your next appointment. Call the office if you have any additional questions.
24 TO 48 Hours
You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours for moderate to severe frown lines.
UP TO 4 Months
Results have been proven to last up to 4 months in clinical trials for moderate to severe frown lines.
#3 What Exactly Is Botox?
Botox is a liquid that is injected into your muscles around the sides of your eyes (crow’s feet) and between your brows (frown lines). It temporarily reduce muscle activity and helps smooth moderate to severe crow’s feet and frown lines by targeting one of the underlying causes—the muscle contractions responsible for frowning and squinting. Botox is made from sources that exist in nature. It contains tiny amounts of a highly purified protein refined from the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum.