Getting through the Holidays can be quite a rush. So a speedy affordable way to look your best is a must have on the list. Depending on your time and budget there are many options for brightening up your appearance. You may not even realize what exactly it is about your skin or appearance that has changed, but you know you want to look brighter, tighter and more rested.
While coming out of summer here in the valley, skin may appear to have more brown spots, red spots, freckles or vessels. Some treatments that address these issues, while being kind to the pocketbook, are treatments such as laser rejuvenation, laser vein removal, laser skin resurfacing, facial chemical peels, enzyme treatments and microdermabrasions. These are easy treatments with dynamic results in skin lightening, softening and brightening. They may be done weeks or days before a special occasion or event. At home products may be added to continue the fresh from the spa glow for the Holidays!