Is your fear inhibiting your skin’s true radiance?
For many, high cost, downtime, pain and side effects of cosmetic procedures outweigh the desire to fix or correct skin imperfections that plague them and may impact their self-confidence. With advancements in technology and experienced providers, this fear is no longer warranted and should not hold you back from having those procedures that will reveal your skin’s true radiance.
The new eMatrix™/Sublative Rejuvenation™ treatments utilize non-laser, non-light based technology to provide desired results without the risk or worry associated with invasive procedures. This fractionated bi-polar radio frequency (RF) technology precisely targets the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen and new healthy skin cells. The results are a marked reduction of acne scars, mild to moderate wrinkles, improvement in skin discolorations, and an overall smoother and more elastic skin texture.
For best results three treatments done 4-6 weeks apart are usually needed. However, more may be required depending on condition of your skin. A slight warm, prickly sensation is felt as the energy penetrates the skin and a light pink or red flush is seen after the treatment. Make-up may be worn the following day – no hiding out while you wait for your skin to recover!
One of the primary advantages of eMatrix™/Sublative Rejuvenation™ treatments is its safety to be used on all skin types, including darker pigmented skin. So if you have been nervous about trying a cosmetic procedure but you are looking for amazing results, eMatrix™/Sublative Rejuvenation™ treatments is the one for you! It is an effective treatment for wrinkles, textural imperfections and acne scarring with minimal down-time and is completely safe and comfortable, and can be done in half an hour!