Introducing the newest member of the Restylane® Family
As we age, notable changes are seen everywhere on the face and body. One area of common concern is the central face triangle, comprised of the eyes, nose and mouth area. Often termed the “triangle of intimacy”, this is where the human eye focuses first and most often. For this reason, the art of aesthetic medicine aims at the correction of the signs of aging in this area. With age, lips begin to lose volume and shrink, corners become depressed, and vertical lip lines form radiating from the withering border. Women often notice feathering or bleeding of lipstick into these newly formed creases. While everyone notices these changes, there is often apprehension to have anything done to correct them due to the fear of looking different or ending up with lips that look over-filled. With the right product and an experienced aesthetic provider, beautiful and natural results can be achieved.
While there are many dermal filler options currently available on the market, the choice in product used is often left to the healthcare provider, following adequate consultation and discussion of patient expectations. Products with larger sized molecules are often used for achieving volume replacement such as cheek contouring, while smaller sized molecule products are chosen to correct fine lines without over-filling. Restylane-L has long been the product of choice among the smaller molecule products. Now, there is a new product, recently FDA-Approved for lip enhancement and the correction of peri-oral wrinkles and lines, Restylane Silk. This product provides an even smoother and smaller molecule size, and is the smallest on the market to date.
Restylane Silk is injected similar to other products but with its smaller particle size, provides a very natural rejuvenation to the mouth area, defining the lip border and cupids bow, while restructuring lip shape and filling fine lines. While this product is new to the United States, it has been used for many years in other countries and has proven to be the product of choice for correction of aging in the lip and mouth area. See our current specials on Restylane Silk.